I grew up in Utah. A dessert.
We have lived in Virginia for eleven years. The amount of rain that falls here still amazes me. I'm not talking the quick five minute micro-bursts I knew as a kid. There are SERIOUS amounts of rain that fall here. Like the heavens open and somebody turns the faucet on full blast...for HOURS.
I'm not complaining.
Not one bit.
Mother nature is awesome, no matter where one lives.
It was a rainy day. A lot of water fell from the sky. I didn't capture the rain on film all that well, but you catch my drift when seeing the amount of water that was coming off the roof. The downspout was gushing like this for half of the day.
Thankfully we have a working sump-pump!
The rain kept us inside for most of the day.
I was a 'mean' mom and didn't just let the kids veg in front of the TV all day. (Don't get me wrong, they watched a movie...or two...) Kyle found legos and books to keep himself busy. Colby took on the pillar!
He's been working for the past couple of weeks to make it to the top all by himself.
Hard work and determination paid off!!
It's the little things, like watching your 5 year old swell with pride from reaching the top, that make being a mom awesome.
Ever put a project off SO long that you get to the point of actually dreading sitting down to do it?
Oye'! The guilt I have felt over this bunch of fabric is unreal.
Back when I had my little business, sewing stuff like this was cake walk. I did it all the time. Happy to make hoards of adorable stuff for countless customers. But that was the problem... I.DID.IT.ALL.THE.TIME.
I got burned out.
There... I said it.
I didn't get burned out of sewing. Hell would have to freeze over before that happened. What I got tired of was using all of my time to make stuff for OTHER people...for a fraction of the cost things really should be. I wanted to get back to sewing for ME and MY family, because I LOVE it, and WANT to sew, not because somebody is paying me a few dollars to do it.
That said, a few of my best friends got use to me being willing to make all sorts of darling custom gifts for their friends and family. On occasion I'll still take on a few jobs here and there.
This was one of those jobs. Unfortunately it just came at a bad time. (Moving six weeks ago really put a strain on all things creative for a while.)
I finally realized that I couldn't put this box of fabric to the side any longer. I had to just power through and get 'er done! Two projects down...two to go.
Nursing Cover |
Once I get past this box full of guilt fabric, I thing the heavens will open up and sing... And I'll get to start doing some more projects that I am excited to do! (Read: Finish multiple unfinished quilts, scrapbooking, card making, etc. The list is long and oh so exciting!)
It's been a ridiculously long time since I've pulled out my stamps to actually create something with them. Playing with them was terribly therapeutic!
I have more stamp sets than I care to admit. This was one that I've never even used. Haha! I always knew It would come in handy at some point.
New neighbors moved in just down the street. Their move and transition has been rough. Like six weeks staying in hotels rough. I thought a little something home made might be kind of a nice treat. No body can turn away a little loaf of bread and some homemade jam!
I always secretly wished that when we moved to a new place neighbors would show up on our door step with cookies or baked goods welcoming us to the neighborhood. (Yes, in my mind the world should be all glitter, rainbows, and unicorns.) It's never happened. But maybe if I secretly wished it...others have to.